Speech at Brainstorm Design 2017

An Asian Method of Business Design for Asia

Lawrence shared about the journey of Consulus and how he and his team shaped change through a unifying methodology 

Speech at Genfest 2018

Relational Innovation to Overcome the Poverty of our times

Lawrence shared about the journey of Consulus and how he and his team shaped change through a unifying methodology 

The Creative Change Keynotes

From Singapore to 30 cities globally, Lawrence has spoken about purpose, unity, dialogue and the Economy of Communion from the lens of Creative Change

"The United World is built by purpose, forged by unity and implemented through innovation."  Lawrence Chong

New home builds

Changing the Design Industry of Singapore

Lawrence served as President for Design Business Chamber from 2009 to 2014. He led it through a process of transformation to include all design disciplines.  Today it is Singapore's leading multidisciplinary design chamber. 

Custom builds

Changing the Economy: Economy of Communion

Lawrence serves as the Co-moderator for the Economy of Communion Asia Pacific  

Designer bathrooms

Changing the Interreligious Dialogue Landscape

Lawrence has served in interfaith since 2005, in 2020 he was appointed by Pope Francis to serve as Consultor on the Vatican's Office for Interreligious Dialogue

Custom kitchens

Igniting Change

Lawrence has spoken at a number of impact-oriented global events such as the World Marketing Summit since 2004

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